these horns are not for honking

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting my surgery did on friday morning. It is what it is.

I get freaked out if I think about it too much. Sometimes people I talk to about it try to calm me down by telling me about way worse things that have happened to them or other people. I know this isn't the worst thing in the world, but that knowledge doesn't change that it is definitely the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

Got my moles removed, on my wrist and on my calf. I'm all bruised and sore around where my stitches are but I dragged myself around at work all weekend anyway. I should probably get employee of the year. Aw dang.

Talking to Sarah B. tonight about going to Hill Street Cafe this week and now I can't stop thinking about the food there. I want their soup and I want it NOW. She's been learning about the tarot and she said she'd do a reading for me. I'm pretty stoked on it.

Is it so wrong that I'm actually really looking forward to having next weekend off, even though I will probably be miserable? It'll be really nice to have a damn good excuse to be lazy for a while.

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