these horns are not for honking

Monday, September 29, 2008

Been having a really unusual amount of pain this month. Am probably dying. I am seriously scared that something is wrong with me. I was even scared before I went on web md. That's fear right there. Gotta get my pelvis examined. Sharp pains, nauseous all the time. On Wednesday it was so bad I couldn't move. Gotta wait until it's over to go to the lady doc though. Can't go like this. That's just rude.

Last night Sarah Bonilla brought me birthday cupcakes. Amazing.
I hung out at Molly's after work. Had some good girl talk. My life is actually pretty rad right now. I don't think I've made a really serious bad decision since July.
Jammed with Fitz and Stina a couple nights ago. Hadn't played music with other people in a long long time. Forgot how much it fucking rules.


caisse said...

py late birthday lady lumps. dont ever go on webMD unless you have a death wish or something. shits f-ed up.

megan elizabeth said...

I'm going to the real doctor on Monday. And happy late birthday to you too lovely.