these horns are not for honking

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday, Aug 21st, 2008 -- Your key planet Mercury joins lovely Venus today, putting a kinder and gentler spin on your day. But beneath your veneer of charm, passions may be out of control -- even if no one else knows but you. Although you can keep your vulnerability a secret for now, the truth will leak out in the next few days.

Last night at 2:35 AM, Ray sent me this message:
" I hope the day was good to you...your videos are hilarious."


At least he used the right "your".

The night before last I got to thinking about him at work and I went home and cried. Not because I missed him, but because I couldn't believe he'd said all the things he said to me. The nice things. The things that before our split it became increasingly obvious that he didn't mean anymore. I do believe he meant them when he said them. But I remember he had a habit of not really replying to my emails or if he did he would reply two weeks later. I sent him a message once that was like hey, when you don't answer me I feel like you're telling me you don't care about me. No answer. So I was like, cool, he just agreed, like yeah, don't care. After that I was done.

So I am just not going to answer him. I've got serious ponygirl business to take care of and by "ponygirl business" I mean flirting with guys in bands on the internet. Suck it.

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